Layered Bedrock with Possible Hydrated Sulfates

This image shows layered bedrock exposed in the upper reaches of a topographic ridge located in Coprates Chasma. The layers exposed in the ridge visible in the upper part of the full image are darker toned, and possibly of volcanic origin.

The layers exposed in the lower part of the image are lighter toned and may be composed of hydrated sulfate minerals. An important question is whether or not the layers exposed here extend beneath the layers exposed in the upper part of the image, and are therefore older. Alternatively, the layers in the lower part of the image may rest on top of the ridge, and therefore be younger than the layered rocks which make up the ridge.Written by: John Grotzinger   (27 March 2008)

This is a stereo pair with PSP_008194_1670 .

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Image: NASA/JPL/University of Arizona