Located in a small unnamed crater just west of Schiaparelli impact crater, this observation shows a portion of the crater’s western slope and floor.
Previously imaged by MOC, this area was thought to possibly contain layered deposits on the crater wall. However, at HiRISE resolution, the floor is seen to consist of a diversity of landforms and terrain units.
Fractured light-toned units and a variety of dune fields are ubiquitous on the crater floor. Isolated flat-topped mesas are scattered throughout. Rectilinear and other intriguing dune forms near the crater wall suggest a variety of wind regimes have operated in this region.
Written by: Ginny Gulick (15 June 2011)
More info and image formats at http://hirise.lpl.arizona.edu/ESP_022208_1800
Image: NASA/JPL/University of Arizona